

健康饮食, 这包括很多水果, 蔬菜, lean protein 和 whole grains into your eating plan, 不需要花很多钱. 如果你明智地购物并提前计划, you’ll be surprised at how much good-for-you food you can buy without breaking the bank.


  • 提前准备好菜单和购物清单. This can keep you from making impulse food choices, which often aren’t healthy. With planning, you can make the healthy choice the easy choice. Take a few minutes over the weekend to go through your favorite healthy recipes 和 map out your meal plan for the upcoming week.
  • 利用技术. 有一个应用程序可以做到这一点. Look for a grocery list or meal-planning app with a grocery list feature. This will help you quickly grab the ingredients you need for your healthy meal plan.
  • 周末做饭. 如果你工作日很忙, prep ahead or cook over the weekend 和 store the meals in the fridge or freezer. Simply thaw as needed 和 reheat for hassle-free lunches 和 dinners.
  • 准备零食. Cut up fruits 和 蔬菜 和 keep them h和y in individual portions in the fridge. This will help you 和 your family have healthy ready-to-go snacks. 


  • 寻找特价商品和打折商品. This is the time to stock up on frozen 和 canned produce (without added sugar or extra sodium).
  • Use coupons 和 join store rewards programs. This makes it easy to track what’s on sale.
  • 购买应季的新鲜农产品. 例如, blueberries cost less in spring 和 summer, when they’re 的季节. You’ll pay more in the fall 和 winter when they’re shipped from warmer climates.
  • Skip the prepared individually packaged food. 这种便利可能很诱人, but it’s usually healthier 和 cheaper to prepare the same foods at home. 例如, 购买完整的水果, 比如西瓜和菠萝, instead of the cut chunks in the container. It will be much less expensive 和 only takes a few minutes to do yourself.
  • 买当地的. The produce at a farmers market or local farmst和 is usually fresher when it’s local because it didn’t have to travel a long distance to a food distribution warehouse followed by delivery to your supermarket. Local food is typically picked at peak freshness, which offers the best flavor 和 nutritional value.
  • 批量购买. Often the more you buy, the less expensive it is per unit. Consider buying food in bulk 和 splitting the cost with friends or family.


  • 从小事做起. Start with a small change 和 keep building from there. Many small changes will add up to big results. Before you know it, you will have a new healthy routine in place.
  • 一次只做一个健康的改变. You 和 your family won’t feel blindsided or deprived if the changes you make aren’t all at once.
  • 让全家人都参与进来. Kids can help with meal planning, grocery shopping 和 cooking. Let each family member be chef for a day 和 take charge of a particular meal. Encourage older kids to make a game of reading Nutrition Facts labels 和 ingredient lists at the grocery store. Let younger kids pick out new types of fruits 和 蔬菜 to try.
  • 学会在预算内健康烹饪. 看看这个列表 1美元以下的健康食品 和 价格适宜的食谱.





