

Jude Maboné, the current Miss District of Columbia, had the first of six heart attacks at age 16. (图片来源:Moshe Zusman/HeadshotDC)
Jude Maboné, the current Miss District of Columbia, had the first of six heart attacks at age 16. (图片来源:Moshe Zusman/HeadshotDC)

At 16, Jude Maboné was in the middle of a 6-mile run at cross-country practice when she started having chest pain.

A mile from her high school, her chest felt tight and heavy, like bricks were on it. 呼吸感觉就像用吸管吸空气. 她的头砰砰作响,胃里翻腾. She had a stabbing pain in her left shoulder and was sweating far more than she should've been.

一到学校,她就给妈妈凯利·马博纳尔打了电话. 凯利带裘德去了费城南部郊区的医院. 医生给她做了一系列的检查. After reviewing the results, a doctor told Jude: "You had a heart attack."

她笑了. 这怎么可能?? 在她这个年纪? 运动时? 在健康课上, Jude learned that heart attacks usually happen to people doing "bad things" like smoking, 喝酒不运动.

Doctors explained that while some people may be more likely to have a heart attack, 任何人都可能在任何时候心脏病发作, 不论年龄大小, 生活方式或健康水平.

Jude went home a few days later in stable condition but without knowing what caused her event. She went on to have five more heart attacks before her 18th birthday, 所有这些都与跑步有关. During that time, she went from one specialist to another seeking the root cause.

"We're going to keep going until we find somebody who can figure this out," her family doctor said.

有一天,, 裘德又做了一次心电图, 或心电图, a test that produces a wavy-lined readout of the heart's electrical signals. 这次读数不正常. 结果导致了一种新的诊断:冠状血管痉挛.

本质上, 她的动脉在收缩(痉挛)。, 从而减少或停止流向心脏的血液. She was prescribed beta blockers to relax her arteries and decrease the spasm.


然而,经过多年的诊断,裘德受到了沉重的打击. Each heart attack meant time in the hospital and then recovering from the event. 她一个人在卧室里呆了好几个小时. 她感到很尴尬,并对她的朋友隐瞒了发生的事情.


“我每晚都会进去, 晚上也有好几次, and put my finger under her nose to make sure that she was still breathing,凯利说。.

凯利是一名单身母亲,也是一名海军老兵. 裘德是凯莉四个孩子中的老三,也是最小的女儿. Kelly raised them all with rules designed to keep them busy – and out of trouble. 其中包括上声乐课, 演奏乐器, 参加体育运动和学习第二语言.

Jude mabon<s:1>和她的法国斗牛犬华夫. (图片来源:Jude mabon<e:1>)
Jude mabon和她的法国斗牛犬华夫. (图片来源:Jude mabon)


While she was the least athletic person in her family and failed in other sports, 她擅长田径和长跑. 她变得如此优秀,以至于大学教练都想让她为他们竞选. 最后,她考上了华盛顿特区的美利坚大学(American University).C.然后获得奖学金. (Kelly has never stopped worrying about Jude's heart – especially when she's running.)

17岁时, 她列了一张遗愿清单, 想着如果她要死了, 她至少想找点乐子. 电影《沙巴足球体育平台》,由桑德拉·布洛克主演, inspired her to compete in pageants; she added it to her bucket list. 她现在是哥伦比亚特区小姐. 在最近的美国小姐选美大赛上, she sang an Italian opera piece – a nod to her mother and her earlier voice lessons.

现年28岁的裘德以“D小姐”的身份示人.C. 促进心脏健康.

She encourages people to get checkups and encourages learning 心肺复苏 and how to use an automated external defibrillator, 或AED. She taught 心肺复苏 to the deaf and hard of hearing community at Gallaudet University using American Sign Language, and she has created the same training opportunities for residents of low-income neighborhoods in D.C.

Jude Maboné hugging and giving words of encouragement to a patient in the hospital awaiting major surgery. (图片来源:Jude mabon<e:1>)
Jude Maboné hugging and giving words of encouragement to a patient in the hospital awaiting surgery. (图片来源:Jude mabon)

Last fall, she shared her story on stage at the 美国心脏协会's Heart Walk in D.C. 这是她第一次真正与其他幸存者讨论这个问题. She realized that her withdrawing as a teen was her way of grieving the loss of her lifestyle and time with friends.

Now she encourages others who face health challenges to be more understanding of their predicament.

“你不必为此感到尴尬,”她说. “当你敞开心扉的时候,会有很多治愈的机会. 我真希望我能早点学会这些."

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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