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A bilingual program that connected people and health care workers via an app and at-home monitoring showed the potential of such an effort to manage high blood pressure, 新的研究表明.

More than half of patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure brought it under control after participating in the program, according to research to be presented Saturday at the 美国心脏协会's Hypertension Scientific Sessions in Boston.

Patients who used the Spanish-language version of the program showed even more improvement than those who used the English-language version.

The study did not compare people who used the program with a control group that received standard care, and the work is considered preliminary until full findings are published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Dr. 该研究的主要作者伊琳娜·叶尔米洛夫(Irina Yermilov)在一份声明中说 沙巴足球体育平台发布会上 that the program showed "the potential to improve outcomes and decrease rates of uncontrolled blood pressure, 从而减少心脏病发作和中风."

Yermilov博士是caremin的首席医疗官, 该公司开发了这款应用并资助了这项研究.

根据美国心脏协会的统计,在美国,将近一半的成年人患有糖尿病.S. 你有高血压,还是高血压. The AHA and American College of Cardiology define hypertension as a reading that's consistently 130 mmHg and higher for systolic blood pressure or consistently 80 and higher for the diastolic measurement.

这项研究涉及2个,来自54个联邦合格医疗中心的500名参与者, 或者社区健康诊所, 在13个州.

Patients received a phone app that prompted them to provide their blood pressure readings either daily or weekly to staff at their community health clinic. 551名参与者使用了西班牙语版本.

首页 blood pressure monitors allowed patients to submit readings through the app. Patients also were provided videos on how to use the app and their monitors. The app also included links to material about nutrition and mental health.

Health care professionals at the clinics reviewed information via a web-based portal, which asked how often patients had taken their blood pressure medications; whether they had experienced any symptoms related to their medications; and whether they had any trouble getting medications.

The portal prioritized patients by level of concern based on their responses, and health care professionals could communicate with patients through the app or by phone.

Researchers analyzed data for patients who participated in the study at least 90 days. 平均参与时长为227天.

For the study, the researchers considered blood pressure under 140/90 to be controlled. At the start of the program, 31% of patients had controlled blood pressure. 到最后,61%的人这样做了.

在开始时血压不受控制的病人中, 55% achieved controlled blood pressure measurements after participating.

Among the participants who used the Spanish-language version of the app, 35%的人开始时血压得到控制. After participating in the program for an average of 220 days, 70% had controlled blood pressure. When researchers looked only at Spanish-speaking participants who started the study with uncontrolled blood pressure, 研究结束时,三分之二的人血压得到了控制.

The results indicate that combining remote digital monitoring with feedback from health care professionals can improve rates of blood pressure control in a real-world, 在不增加总体护理成本的情况下,帮助高危人群, Yermilov说.

The researchers said they plan to investigate which individual characteristics of the program may be the driving factors that maximize blood pressure control.


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