As e-cigarette use grows, more research needed on long-term effects of vaping

By American Heart Association News

Alina Beketova/iStock via Getty Images
(Alina Beketova/iStock via Getty Images)

As the number of young people using electronic nicotine delivery systems grows, so does evidence that e-cigarettes may be harmful to human health. 需要更多的研究来确定这些设备对心脏和肺部的长期影响, according to a new science report.

The scientific statement from the American Heart Association, published Monday in the journal Circulation, 强调显示电子烟使用对健康影响的最新使用数据和科学证据, also called vaping. 它还建议优先研究,以更好地了解这些产品如何随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移影响人们的健康.

“电子烟会向人体输送大量潜在有害物质, 包括使用者可能不知道或不理解的化学品和其他化合物," Dr. Jason J. Rose, chair of the statement writing committee, said in a news release. 他是巴尔的摩马里兰大学医学院(University of Maryland School of medicine)的医学副教授、创新和医师科学发展副院长.

E-cigarettes and other vaping systems have been available in the U.S. for about 15 years. Use has been rapidly growing among youth and young adults, more than doubling from 2017 to 2019 among middle and high school students.

电子烟通过电池驱动的系统模拟吸烟,加热液体,产生吸入肺部的气溶胶. These systems most often deliver nicotine, 哪些已被证明对健康有负面影响,而且极易上瘾.

But the devices also can be used to deliver tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive element in marijuana, and other substances, such as methamphetamine, methadone or vitamins. 这些液体包括湿润剂,它可以作为溶剂产生水气溶胶或蒸汽, flavoring agents, cooling agents such as menthol and sweeteners, and metals from the heating coil, along with other chemicals.

“年轻人经常被这些产品中的口味所吸引,并可能因使用电子烟而对尼古丁产生依赖," Rose said.

但是,他说,电子烟的长期风险尚不清楚,可能几十年内都看不出来. “同样令人担忧的是,研究表明,一些使用电子烟的年轻人会继续使用其他烟草产品, 电子烟的使用和物质使用障碍之间也存在相关性."

Vaping has been associated with an increased risk for respiratory diseases and a condition specifically related to e-cigarette useEVALI是电子烟或电子烟产品使用相关肺损伤的简称. 美国疾病控制和预防中心于2019年8月承认EVALI为一种疾病. 截至2020年2月中旬,约有2800名电子烟使用者住院,68人死亡.

研究发现,含有尼古丁的电子烟与几项血液流动指标的急性变化有关, including increases in blood pressure and heart rate, Rose said. Other e-cigarette ingredients, particularly flavoring agents, independently carry risks associated with heart and lung diseases in animals, 对个人接触市售产品中的化学物质的研究也显示出了负面影响, he said.

电子烟公司将其产品定位为帮助人们戒烟的一种方式, but there is no strong evidence to support this beyond any short-term benefit, experts say.

美国食品和药物管理局没有批准电子烟产品用于戒烟. The AHA recommends cessation counseling, 以及个性化的尼古丁替代疗法,这些疗法的剂量和配方都得到了fda的批准,以帮助人们戒烟. It also recommends medication to help control cravings.

关于使用电子烟对心脏病发作和中风的影响的研究有限. 已经完成的大部分研究都集中在以前或现在的传统吸烟者身上. However, 报告中引用的最近一项分析发现,以前或现在的电子烟使用者与使用两年内几种呼吸系统疾病的发展之间存在显著关联.

写作委员会建议,未来的研究重点是电子烟使用对心脏的长期影响, blood vessels and lungs. 该声明还呼吁将已有心肺疾病的人纳入研究范围, such as coronary artery disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 比较使用电子烟和传统吸烟的影响,以及使用这两种尼古丁传递方式的人可能受到的影响.

“由于电子烟的使用呈指数级增长,我们有必要扩大这类研究, especially in young people, many of whom may have never used combustible cigarettes," Rose said.

American Heart Association News Stories

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