
By Lourdes Medrano, American Heart Association News

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(Drazen Zigic/iStock via Getty Images)

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晚上睡个好觉对身体健康至关重要,但美国的许多拉美裔人却不这么认为.S. just don't get enough of it.

To shed light on possible reasons why, 研究人员正在研究美国附近居民的睡眠习惯.S.-Mexico border.

“老实说,我不认为我们对拉丁裔社区的睡眠问题发生率有很好的了解," said John Ruiz, a psychology professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson. 他是研究小组的一员,研究生活在诺加利斯的拉丁美洲人的睡眠习惯, Arizona, area along the U.S.-Mexico border.

诺加利斯心脏代谢健康和睡眠研究的目标是帮助发展“对边境环境和社会环境如何影响边境地区睡眠的理解”," Ruiz said. “其次,这些睡眠模式和相关的心血管风险是否因种族而异?? Do Latinos experience those contexts different than non-Latinos, and is that helpful or harmful to their health?"

Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night, but about 1 in 3 Latino adults sleep less than seven hours, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's on par with the overall U.S. population.

Insufficient sleep, 失眠和睡眠呼吸暂停等疾病与肥胖有关, 高血压和糖尿病会增加患心脏病的风险.

直到大约十年前,西班牙裔人的睡眠健康还很少受到关注. But the U.S. 西班牙裔人口在2010年至2020年间增长了23%,达到6200多万人, census data show. Now, Latino sleep research has gradually expanded, 研究结果表明,他们睡眠不足的发生率更高,但原因尚不清楚.

In the southern Arizona county of Santa Cruz, about 1,000名年龄在25到60岁之间的成年人——大多数是墨西哥裔美国人——参加了这项睡眠研究. "Proximity to the border may come with more stress, and that higher stress can impact one's ability to sleep," Ruiz said.

边境附近的社区经常不得不应对日益增加的噪音, 但该县居民的资源也更少,在边境安全和安全方面往往受到严格的政治审查. "All those things could be particularly challenging," he said. “它们会影响你晚上睡个好觉的程度."

Socioeconomic status also can affect sleep, Ruiz said. About 20% of the county's residents live in poverty, census data show. Latinos make up more than 80% of the county's nearly 48,000 residents, and many have to work more than one job to make ends meet. "That time has to come from somewhere," he said.

这项研究是与马里波萨社区卫生中心联合进行的, which is gathering data on sleep-related factors such as stress, acculturation and socioeconomic information, said Patty Molina, 该中心社区卫生服务高级主任和该研究的联合首席研究员.

在两周的沙巴足球体育平台里,参与者接受检查,并带回家监测睡眠模式的设备. Molina, who is overseeing the study at Mariposa, 非西班牙裔白人也参与了比较数据. In other parts of the U.S., 一些研究发现,非西班牙裔白人比其他种族或民族的人睡得更长、更好.

莫利纳说,亚利桑那大学这项研究的重要性在于确定了睡眠和睡眠之间的联系, 健康、社会和环境因素“影响着很多人”, especially here along the border."

该研究最近在因COVID-19大流行而中断后重新开始. Ruiz expects it to be completed by the end of this year. 这项研究的发现可以应用于未来对不断增长和多样化的西班牙裔人口的研究, he said.

"We'll have to take that on down the line," Ruiz said. "The Latino population is the younger group by age, 也就是说它只会增加占总人口的比例," he said. “了解拉丁美洲人的健康状况将越来越重要,成为国家的优先事项."

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