
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道

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‒ If asked whether you just got a haircut, have you ever said, "No, I got them all cut."


‒ If your daughter asked you to make her a milkshake, would you tell her, "Poof! 你是奶昔."


That's not to be confused with a bad joke – although by definition, yeah, they probably are. 即使你不是一个父亲,你也能说出来. 但对于我们这些有特定类型父亲的人来说, 威胁级别可能就像树上一只独特的松鼠一样高. (知道如何捕捉一只独特的松鼠? 这是独一无二的.)

But here's a surprise: This least-surprising form of comedy might be good for you and those around you.

“老爸笑话”这个词相对较新. The concept is not, said Anne Libera, director of comedy studies at The Second City in Chicago. 它们过去被简单地称为“笑话”."

Libera教授爸爸的笑话. 认真. As in, she's also an associate professor at Columbia College Chicago and has written about the 喜剧科学 发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》上. “它们是最薄的喜剧形式,通常以双关语和为基础, 除非你是一个5岁的孩子, 没有你没听说过的.

Now, nobody has done in-depth research on the cardiovascular benefits of dad jokes. 即使有,他们也不会承认. 但如果你接受爸爸的笑话可以, 在理论上, 提供幽默和力量, 可能, 制造笑声, 专家表示,好处可能很小,但却是实实在在的.

笑声, 例如, 与增强短期记忆有关吗, 创造力和免疫力医生说。. Gurinder 贝恩, associate professor of allied health studies at Loma Linda University in California.

贝恩, also a former director of research for the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, 据说笑有许多促进健康的机制. “例如, 笑可以降低压力荷尔蒙皮质醇," which has been associated with a risk of cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure. 它还可能通过促进褪黑激素的释放来帮助睡眠.

笑也能让人心情愉悦,减轻痛苦 脑内啡医生说。. 贝丝兄弟会, director of lifestyle medicine and wellness in the department of surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

弗雷茨是一篇论文的合著者 2016年关于笑的研究综述, 发表在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》上, that was conceived during a laughing fit with her co-authors during a campus stroll at Harvard.

她想不起是什么让他们笑了. (“这不是爸爸开的玩笑,”她说.)但这篇评论将幽默与笑声区分开来. 与…!): Humor is a stimulus; laughter is the response. 有些东西可以很幽默,但不会引起笑声.

但拥有幽默感也能带来好处. 弗雷茨指出: 2016年的研究 in Psychosomatic Medicine that used 15 years of health data from more than 53,000名挪威人将幽默感与长寿联系起来. 妇女因各种原因死亡的风险较低, but especially infections and heart disease; men saw a lower risk of dying from infections.

Frates said that even a simple joke might ease stress by putting people in a better mental place. 如果房间里气氛紧张, 但是爸爸说了奶昔的笑话, that can cut the tension and change the direction of the conversation moving forward. So even if everyone doesn't laugh, it has the ability to redirect us into a place of positivity."

弗雷茨强调侮辱式幽默是有害的. 但当幽默激起温暖的笑声, 她说, 它可以在一种乐趣中建立社会联系, 深沉而快乐的方式. "Connecting over a laugh is something special and unique that tends to last."

And because social connections have repeatedly been shown to be critical to health, we have arrived at what may be the humble dad joke's most powerful punch.

Dad jokes may lack originality, Libera said, but they excel at universality. 任何人都能说出一个, and they rely on common things – like silly puns – that transcend age, 政治和背景.

"Use of humor is a connective tissue that allows us to see the other person as having a mind, 和我们一样的头脑,利伯拉说.

A dad joke might be a particularly ham-handed way of trying to forge a connection, 她说. 但是“当我们一起笑的时候, we are connecting with each other through being the same in some fundamental way."

从这个意义上说,即使是老爸笑话的可预测性也是加分项. “我们以前也听说过类似的事情,”利伯拉说. “所以这几乎就像在讲一个最喜欢的故事."

弗雷茨在自己的父亲身上看到了这一点. “他肯定有很多爸爸笑话,”她说. “当我还是个孩子或十几岁的时候,我并不觉得它们有趣. 但我所有的朋友都这么做了." So even when she didn't laugh, the humor was something everyone rallied around.

弗雷茨花了很多年才明白她父亲所做的一切. 现在, 在他死后十年, just talking about dad jokes and Father's Day made her reflect on how her scientific interest in laughter and health can be traced back to him. “我的幽默是从我爸爸那里开始的."

So her advice for anybody gathering for Father's Day is don't dread the dad joke. "When we're together, when you share the humor, you're sharing the health."

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