Don’t just 得到 your BP taken; make sure it’s taken the right way




S因为我知道我在做什么, I’m going to cut some time by zipping through all those boring safety checks that usually take us so long, 让我们马上升空.

这样的情景是滑稽的. 没有飞行员会如此鲁莽. 没有乘客、机组人员或飞行控制员会允许这样做.

Yet a similar hurry-up-and-得到-it-done approach happens far too often when it comes to 得到ting our blood pressure taken. That’s unfortunate because a blood pressure reading should be handled as meticulously as a pre-flight safety checklist.


高血压使你患心脏病或中风的可能性增加一倍. 它会在其他方面影响你,包括你在床上的能力,伙计们. And the only way to know whether you have high blood pressure is by 得到ting it taken – and taken correctly.

现在,新的问题来了:周一, 规则改变了高血压的分类, 也被称为高血压. Experts looking at all the newest data have now defined hypertension as a reading of 130 on top or 80 on the bottom. 过去,标准 过去是 140/90.


The change comes from an update to the guidelines followed by doctors across the country. A major difference is eliminating the category called “prehypertensive” or “high normal.“那个警戒区现在是危险区的一部分. The new guidelines are designed to help people 得到 their blood pressure under control earlier – which has been shown to prevent organ damage.

控制血压并不一定需要药物. 在很多情况下, people can lower their numbers through lifestyle changes such as eating healthier, 多运动,少喝酒.

在发布指南时, the experts who spent three years putting it to得到her drew attention to one more thing: The steps involved in taking a textbook blood pressure reading.

“It is incumbent on those of us who are physicians to measure it properly and to train people to do it properly at home,保罗·威尔顿说, M.D., chairman of the writing committee that updated the guidelines and an epidemiology professor at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans. “你不可能因为太忙而把事情做好.”

虽然这个故事的重点是给出一个高质量的血压读数, 还有另一种看待它的方式. 把这看作是如何 得到 你的血压.

下面的图形是要打印或保存在您的手机上. While you’re at it, consider sharing it on social media and emailing it to friends and family.



——间隔一分钟至少取两次读数的平均值. 这减少了可变性. 如果你认为这个范围太大,取三分之一,然后计算平均值. (如果你在家里做这个, it’s best to do these in the morning before taking any medications and again in the evening before dinner.)

-- Remember that your blood pressure can vary as much as 5-10 millimeters of mercury (how BP is measured) just during a cycle of breathing. 所以不要期望所有的读数都是完全一样的.

-- The log of your readings should include the averages, as well as the individual readings. You should bring the log to a medical appointment so your healthcare provider can see the trends and, 当你在那里, 添加最新的读数会更容易.

如果你使用家用监视器,每次去诊所的时候都要带着它. This is especially important if your device has a built-in memory that records your results. It’s also a good idea to have your healthcare provider check your device about once a year to make sure it is accurate.

如果你仍然不相信额外的努力是值得的, Whelton frames it this way: Surely you’d want the lab that handles your blood test to follow strict quality control standards; why not demand the same when it comes to blood pressure readings, 一个很容易出错的地方?


在2015年美国医学协会会议上, 159 medical students were given a blood pressure check challenge with a simulated patient. 只有一个-一个! -完成了全部11个训练项目. 正确执行的平均步数为4.1.

One of the biggest mistakes: Failing to have a patient rest for five minutes in a chair before the measurement. 这些实习医生中只有11人这样做了.

这项研究于今年夏天发表在 《沙巴足球体育平台》这是一本重要的医学杂志. 一篇文章(链接在新窗口中打开) 关于 研究(链接在新窗口中打开) 包括雷蒙德·R. 汤森,M.D., a 研究 co-author and director of the hypertension program at the Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania. 汤森在2016年被评为美国心脏协会年度医生.

“I used to have a standing challenge on rounds at Penn: ‘If you can do a blood pressure correctly in my presence, 我请你在费城随便挑一家餐馆吃饭,’”汤森说. “After 10 years, not a single person – resident, fellow or student – ever could do it.”

对病人来说,准确的读数不仅仅是一顿免费的饭. 所以下次你系上血压计的时候, make sure as much time and effort is invested into an accurate reading as you’d like your pilots to do before takeoff.

编者注:本文于12月10日修订. 2019年2月2日,更正一个错别字.

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