



科学是明确的... our kids eat more sodium than what is safe and recommended. Schools can play an important role in helping our kids get and stay healthy. As part of the effort to bring sodium to moderate levels for our kids, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (美国农业部) established sodium limits for school meals, which are being carried out in three gradual phases until the 2022-2023 school year.

神话# 1

The only health issues associated with too much sodium are problems like high 血压 and heart disease – problems for adults, 没有孩子.

事实# 1

Science strongly supports the link between less sodium intake and healthier lives – even in children and teens.

例如, kids who eat high sodium diets are about 35% more likely to have elevated 血压 than kids who eat lower sodium diets. And, the rate of high 血压 is increasing in American children. In addition to heart health, sodium impacts bone, brain, stomach, and kidney health.

神话# 2

Scientific evidence to support a decrease in sodium for school meals is inconclusive.

事实# 2

There has been a lot of noise about some sodium studies, leading to confusion and helping efforts to undermine nutrition standards for school meals.

A large body of scientific research indicates that lowering sodium intake lowers 血压 in adults and children.

神话# 3

It is impossible for schools to meet 美国农业部’s sodium limits.

事实# 3

Actually, more than 99 percent of schools are successfully meeting the updated meal standards. Some schools are already meeting the 美国农业部’s 2017 targets. Many companies already offer foods that meet the target limits set by the 美国农业部.

A variety of methods exist that can help reduce sodium in foods , and modelling suggests that some newly developed ingredients could make a big impact.

神话# 4

Kids won’t like the taste of foods lower in sodium and, 结果是, 会少吃这些食物吗, robbing them of the beneficial nutrients they provide.

事实# 4

取代贫瘠, high-sodium foods with healthier foods could improve overall consumption of other beneficial nutrients.

Gradually lowering the sodium content in foods can decrease kids’ (and adults’) taste for salty food over time.

To find out more about the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, visit: theweddingringblog.com/schoolmeals



1医学研究所(国际移民组织). 2004. Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, 钠, Chloride, and Sulfate. 华盛顿特区:国家科学院出版社.

2U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.2012.Nutrient Intakes from Food: Mean Amounts Consumed per Individual, 按性别及年龄划分, 我们在美国吃什么, NHANES 2009 - 2010. : www.农业研究所.美国农业部.gov / ba / bhnrc / fsrg.

3美国农业部. Final Rule “Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs (1/26/12).2015年8月14日在线访问:http://www.fn.美国农业部.gov /网站/ /文件/ cn/SFAcert_FY16Q4违约.pdf

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7上诉等. The importance of population-wide sodium reduction as a means to prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke: A call to action from the 美国心脏协会. 循环. 2011, 15;123(10):1138-43.

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9Statement from Secretary Vilsack on New Data Showing the Vast Majority of Schools Now Meet the Updated Meals Standards. 美国农业部. 2015年5月6日. 可在线访问:http://www.fn.美国农业部.gov /学校膳食/ school-meal-certification-data

10全国营养与活动联盟. Mission: Possible Companies Can Meet 美国农业部’s New 钠 Limits for School Meals. 2014年8月14日上线:http://cspinet.org/new/pdf/NANA%20 钠%20products%20that%20meet%20new%20guidelines%20oct%2014.pdf

11Antman等人. Stakeholder discussion to reduce population-wide sodium intake and decrease sodium in the food supply: A conference report from the 美国心脏协会 sodium conference 2013 planning group. 循环. 2014.

12Agarwal等人. 钠 Intake Status in United States and Potential Reduction Modeling: an NHANES 2007-2010 analysis. 食品科学与营养. 2015. DOI: 10.1002 / fsn3.248

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